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Giorgos Vlahakis
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“Spectroscopy in Greece. The early Days”, in XXIII International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Budapest, Hungary, Submitted.
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“Notions of Physics in Natural Philosophy, an EPS Conference Proceedings”, Notions of Physics in Natural Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Athens, Greece, 2008.
, “The Persistent Presence of the Concept of the Aether in Greek Scientific Literature”, in Notions of Physics In Natural Philosophy, 2008.
, Physics and physicists in Greece (18th-20th centuries). Athens, Greece: Hellenic Physicists Association, 2006.
, “Physics and Physicists in Greece, (18th-20th centuries)”, 11th National Congress of Physic. Greek Physicists Society, Larissa, 2006.
, “The ideas of Ancient Greek Philosophers for Natural Sciences and their influence on contemporary thought”, The ideas of Ancient Greek Philosophers for Natural Sciences and their influence on contemporary thought, Hellenic Physical Society Conference. Hellenic Physicists Association, Xanthi, Greece, 2005.
, “Byzantium – Venice – Modern Hellenism: A Travel in the World of Modern Greek Scientific Thought”, Byzantium – Venice-Modern Hellenism: A Travel in the World of Modern Greek Scientific Thought . National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece, 2004.
, Sciences in the south-eastern Europe during the 19th century, Greece, Serbia-Montenegro. Athens: NHRF, 2004, p. 170.