Found 215 results
“History of Science (HOS) integration in 20th century Greek primary school science textbooks”, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). European Education Research Association (EERA), Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, 2004.
, “History of Science (HOS) integration in 20thcentury Greek Primary School Science Textbooks”, in European Education Research Association (EERA), European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Rethymnon, Greece, 2004.
, “Mathematics in the Times of the Ionian Academy (1824-1864)”, Ionian University , Corfu, 2004.
, “Perception, transmission and function of science in middle Byzantine era and the Quadrivium of 1008”, Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social and Political Science, Athens , 2004.
, Sciences in the south-eastern Europe during the 19th century, Greece, Serbia-Montenegro. Athens: NHRF, 2004, p. 170.
, “Who is Afraid of Teaching Evolution in Greek Education? Evolution in Biology Curricula and Textbooks, from the Establishment of the Subject of Biology to date”, in Fifth Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology, Patras, Greece, 2004.
, “The world-conception of st. Gregory Palamas (1296-1359). Secular and theological approaches in the 14th century”, Department of Methodology, History and Theory of Science, Athens , 2004.
, “Aristarchus of Samos”, 4th Hellenic Conference . Samos, 2003.
The Greek Thought and the United European area. Athens: Dedalus/ Zaharopoulos, 2003, p. 174.
, History and Philosophy of Science in the Greek area (17th -19th C.). Athens, Greece: Institute for Neohellenic Reseach, NHRF / Metaichmion, 2003, p. 781.
, “The image of science in Greek science fiction magazines”, in International Conference of 4th ESERA, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2003.
, Multicultural science in the Ottoman Empire, vol. 69. Turnhout-Belgium: Brepols, 2003, p. 248.
, The Observatory of Corfu (1924-1940). Corfu: Astronomical Society of Corfu, 2003, p. 107.
, “Science, technology and the 19th century State : the role of the army”. National Hellenic Research Fondation – Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés / CNRS, 2003.
, Science, technology and the 19th century State : the role of the army. Athens: NHRF-LATTS/CNRS, 2003.
, “Science, Technology and the 19th-century State”, Science, Technology and the 19th-century State. Institute for Neohellenic Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation, Syros, Greece, p. 150, 2003.
, “Space Conceptualisation in the context of Postmodernity: In search of a Cultural Logic”, Themes in Education, vol. 4, pp. 75-86, 2003.
, “La détermination des longitudes dans l'espace grec (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)”, in Le calcul des longitudes (Vincent Jullien ed), Brest, France, 2002.
Nicolaidis_2006_Longitudes.pdf (66.16 KB)
Greek science and Balkan area (18th – 19th century). Athens, Greece: Daedalus - Zacharopoulos, 2001, p. 162.
, L' Europe des Sciences: Constitution d’un espace scientifique. Paris: Seuil, 2001, p. 440.
, The Evolution of Modern Greek Science. From Traditional to Modern Scientific Thought. Athens: , 1999, p. 92.
, K. M. Koumas, Epitome of Physics, Vienna, Austria, 1812. Republication by the HPST/NHRF and the Greek Physicists Assosiation, Macedonia Publications, 1999, p. pp. 36 [ 36+ 183] + 13.
Oceanography in Greece, 18th- 20thCentury. Ion, 1999, p. 212.
, “The Spread of the Scientific Revolution in the European Periphery, Latin America and East Asia”, Τhe XXth ICHS. Brepols Publishers, Belgium, 1999.