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“Basic concepts of special theory of relativity in secondary education: do students understand them?”, in European Science Education Research Association Conference (ESERA) “Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science”, Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
, “Development of orientation skills of 6th grade primary school students using compass and map: a case study”, in 11th Biennial Conference of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) “Integrating Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning Environments”, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2005.
, Environment: Science and Education. Athens, Greece: Leader Books, 2005.
, Ethnomathematics, searching for the cultural dimension of Mathematics and Mathematical Education. Athens, Greece: Atrapos, 2005, p. 392.
, Greek cultural traditions. A new approach of the Modern Greek scientific thought. Athens: Institute for Neohellenic Research / NHRF and Greek Physicists Society, 2005.
, “Greek Primary School Students’ Knowledge on Scientific Instruments and their History. Implementation of Activities for Developing Spatial Skills”, in 8th International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference “Teaching and Communicating Science”, Leeds, England, 2005.
, “History of Science in 20th century Greek Science Textbooks of Primary Education”, in 8th International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference “Teaching and Communicating Science”, Leeds, England, 2005.
, “The History of Teaching Quantum Mechanics in Greece”, in International History, Philosophy, Sociology and Science Teaching Conference: Teaching and Communicating Science, Leeds, 2005.
, “History, philosophy and teaching of physical sciences”, Hellenic Conference on History, Philosophy and Science Teaching . Ellinika Grammata, Athens, Greece, 2005.
, “The ideas of Ancient Greek Philosophers for Natural Sciences and their influence on contemporary thought”, The ideas of Ancient Greek Philosophers for Natural Sciences and their influence on contemporary thought, Hellenic Physical Society Conference. Hellenic Physicists Association, Xanthi, Greece, 2005.
, “Investigation of the existing knowledge and conceptions of Greek 6th grade Primary School students towards Scientific Instruments and their History”, in European Science Education Research Association Conference (ESERA) “Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science”, Barcelona, Spain, 28/8-1/9, 2005.
, “Prerequisites for the Conceptual Change of Key Concepts Essential for the Teaching of the Theory of Special Relativity”, in EARLI 4th European Symposium “Conceptual Change: Philosophical, Historical, Psychological and Educational Approaches”, Delphi, Greece, 2005.
, “The Presence of Soviet Science in Greece in the Period 1945-1992”, in 8th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference “Teaching and Communicating Science”, Leeds, UK, 2005.
, “Printed and digital press science: ways of transforming press science into school science”, in European Science Education Research Association Conference (ESERA) “Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science”, Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
, “Scientific Instruments of the National Observatory of Athens (1842-1970)”. 2005.
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“Teachers’ attitudes, views and difficulties regarding the teaching of evolution”, in European Science Education Research Association Conference (ESERA) “Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science”, Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
, “Teaching Chaos with a Pendulum to Greek Secondary School Students”, in Second International Pendulum Conference, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2005.
, “Teaching the Theory of Evolution: Teacher’s Attitudes, Views and Difficulties”, in 8th International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference “Teaching and Communicating Science”, Leeds, England, 2005.
, “Thought experiments in physics theories of the 20th century: a tool for popularization and teaching in secondary education”, in European Science Education Research Association Conference (ESERA) “Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science”, Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
, “Thought Experiments in the Theory of Relativity and in Quantum Mechanics: Their Presence in Textbooks and in Popular Science Book”, in 8th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference “Teaching and Communicating Science”, Leeds, UK, 2005.
, “Byzantium – Venice – Modern Hellenism: A Travel in the World of Modern Greek Scientific Thought”, Byzantium – Venice-Modern Hellenism: A Travel in the World of Modern Greek Scientific Thought . National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece, 2004.
, “Conceptual Change: From Research to Instructive Practice. For a Timely dealing with Students Lamarckian Views”, in EARLI 4th European Symposium “Conceptual Change: Philosophical, Historical, Psychological and Educational Approaches”, Delphi, Greece, 2004.
, Greece-Europe. A convergence on time. Athens: , 2004, p. 62.