History of innovation should be to import the mainstream history of science - on the positioning of the history of management-science


Since ancient times, Chinese are accomplished in technology invention and application, such as the four great inventions. Plenty literature, like "Kao Gong Ji" in Qin dynasty and "Wu Jing Zong Yao", "Yin Zao Fa Shi" in Song dynasty, have demonstrated that the level of gold, silver, copper, iron mining and smelting have reached a high standardization in that time. After the Opium War, however, the strategy of "seeking strong" before "seeking rich" made the level of China’s industrial product technology and market share much lower than the Western counties. Until now, technological innovation in China is still insufficient.

Mostly scholars in history of science and technology consider innovation research involve many elements related to economic and management and classify it as history of economic. For example, the Han Dynasty, "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic", appreciation of this book is still concentrated in its pure mathematics rather than applied mathematics by domestic and international mathematics of history, which only emphasized the history of scientific discovery and technological invention history, neglected truly economic meaning of innovation. we pointed out that it is a "official book" and should sort to "Management Mathematics" in early years of 1990s early. This paper mainly advocates strengthening research into the history of technological innovation and teaching.
Air Jordans

Sat, 08/05/2010 - 18:10 to 18:30
XU Kang
HE Chao